Step 1:
After a sale has completed, you will be notified in-app and via email to complete your transaction.
Step 2:
Start the check out process through one of the following methods:
Using the (In-app notification) |
Click on the "pay now" button at the bottom of the page.
Using the (winning bid confirmation email) |
Check out by clicking on the "Pay now" button included in your confirmation email.
Using the (won section on |
Checkout through your won section. |
Step 3:
Any outstanding vehicles that require payment will be accessible in your checkout. You can select which vehicles you’d like to pay for and from which seller(s).
Step 4:
Once you’ve submitted payment, you receive a confirmation email and see that your gate code(s) are in a pending status until your payment clears.
Step 5:
Once payment has cleared, your gate code(s) will become accessible. Provide this gate code to the seller upon pickup. You may also access these gate codes through the receipt, which is emailed and also downloadable from the vehicle detail page and checkout.
Your gate code and receipt are also accessible via the VDP.